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Work With Jamie

Do you have pain in your body and problems in your life? Are you tired, exhausted, looking for a change?

Most of us have childhood wounds and past life/connected incarnations that build our present challenges and pain. Let's work together to uncover, discover, and unravel these shadow threads and transform them with Heart's understanding and powerful frequencies, letting LOVE reprogram and reweave the threads to create a better-feeling body, mind, soul, and life for you now! 


I'm Jamie Ferry and personally suffered for many years from depression, anxiety, panic, social anxiety, low self-esteem, fear, and illness/disease that was caused both from traumatic experiences in this lifetime, and other incarnations of my soul (that I wasn't aware of until starting in 2008-2015). I grew up as the eldest child of a violent, spousal-abusive alcoholic father, in a tumultuous, unsafe environment that deeply impacted me. My Soul's previous two lifetimes were both well-known American females and they didn't end so well, leaving their residual scars and traumas buried inside of me, haunting, hurting and creating internal and external hells for me. I've been on a spiritual journey most of my life, but seriously since 2001. I am a Lightworker/Healer/Poetic Writer/Teacher/Entrepreneur.; Reiki I and II Certified.  My Soul is an Ancient One and I am here to assist with the Ascension Process and healing for the planet and the people. My approach is combining the intuitive, spiritual, mystical of the right brain, and the logical, rational, practicality of the left brain to come up with balanced solutions/perspectives for your 4 bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) to help you reconnect to the power within you to transform your hells into Heaven, your pain into well-being, your wounds into Wholeness! I bring my unique blend of practical magic to the present realities! I work with SOURCE/GOD (The Great One Divine Creative Energy), my personal spiritual guides, including My Archangelic Brothers and Sisters, and knowledge I gathered and crafted throughout my own personal healing journey to help you through your healing! Together we will break through the blocks in your mind and get to the Heart of the matter to shift and transform it now, working through any negative patterns from this life or other connected incarnations (past-lives) so you can live more fully in your wholeness allowing/assisting your body to heal and life to improve. If you want to find some peace from the pain and freedom from fear, I'm here to help! All my love, Jamie







Rates for (1-on-1) Personal Coaching/Healing


20 Minute Tune in/Tune-up Session =  $110  This is a mini dip into the pools within you to begin the ripples of healing, I will take you through a breathing reboot, reconnecting you to your highest Self and the SOURCE within. 


60 Minute Session =  $440  This is a longer swim/float/dive into you, we begin with breath to center and dive into one of the issues you are presently dealing with.


Packaged Deals

*Package of 3 (60 Minute Calls) =  $1320  

Repetition is key to unlock & unblock the flow & change the currents inside. 

Comes with an Intuitive-Guidance Tarot card pulled each session. *Expires 1 Year from purchase. 


*Deep Dive Package = $2500/month 

This is a 4-week Commitment to dive in and see what you find, to uncover the treasures within!
4 sessions (60 minutes per week) 
3 check-in calls (20 minutes each, after 1st, 2nd, and 3rd call) 
Soul work & Guided Meditations/Affirmations or personal exercises assigned tailored to you!

An Intuitive-Guidance Tarot Card and Goddess Guidance Card pulled for you every week as part of your focus guidance. 

Surprise texts to uplift, inspire, cheer you on! 

A surprise gift mailed to you. 



*Ocean of Emotions Adventure Package = $7500

This is a 3-month journey into yourself. Go deep, come out cleansed and refreshed. 

12 sessions (60 minutes per week)  4 Weekly calls for 3 Months
6 check-in calls (20 minutes each) 
Soul work & Guided Meditations/Affirmations or personal exercises assigned tailored to you!

An Intuitive-Guidance Tarot Card and Goddess Guidance card pulled for you every week as part of your focus guidance. 

Surprise texts to uplift, inspire, cheer you on! 

Surprise gifts picked out for you and sent to you each month!    






Refund and Cancellation Policy

*We have a strict No Refund policy and 24-hour cancellation policy to keep the integrity of the business! Thank you kindly, I look forward to working with you. Let's begin the healing and ascension!

All payments to book sessions are made through PayPal or Wix Online business safe and secure. 


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